VET Learners & Staff

This activity is open to both apprentices and students in vocational training schools.

These learners undertake a vocational training placement in another country. Learners are hosted either at a workplace (in an enterprise or other relevant organisation) or at a VET school (with periods of work-based learning in an enterprise or other relevant organisation). Also 

Erasmus+ supports learning mobility of staff for:

  • Job shadowing: participants can spend a period of time at a hosting organisation in another country with the aim of learning new practices and gathering new ideas through observation and interaction with peers, experts or other practitioners in their daily work at the hosting organisation.
  • Teaching or training assignments: participants can spend a period of time teaching or providing training to learners at a hosting organisation in another country, as a way to learn through completing their tasks and exchanging with peers.
  • Courses and training: participants can benefit from a structured course or a similar kind of training provided by qualified professionals and based on a pre-defined learning programme and learning outcomes. The training must involve participants from at least two different countries and must allow participants to interact with other learners and with the trainers. Entirely passive activities such as listening to lectures, speeches or mass conferences are not supported.